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"Learn about ways you and your family can save energy and save money."
Guelph Hydro
395 Southgate Dr. Guelph, ON, N1G 4Y1
Tel: 1-877-797-9473
info@guelphhydro.com  | guelphhydro.com 
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Just Moved In?

We'll help you
do more and
save more.

The saveONenergy conservation programs for home and business are designed to make it easier than ever to manage your electricity use.


This site will help you learn about the programs, and the benefits you can achieve by taking advantage of the energy-saving measures and incentives offered by these conservation programs.

The saveONenergy programs are offered through your local electric utility and funded through the Independent Electricity System Operator. Join thousands of Ontarians who are already making a difference in their homes, and businesses.

Important information about your Guelph Hydro bill

Guelph Hydro is moving to monthly billing

Starting in November, 2015 Guelph Hydro will begin monthly billing for all residential and small commercial customers in Guelph and Rockwood.


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