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Photo Credit: Pending
"Farm Fresh and In-Season"
Guelph Farmers Market
2 Gordon Street,Guelph, Ontario, N1H 4G7
Tel: 519-822-1260 extension 2244
farmersmarket@guelph.ca  | guelph.ca/farmersmarket
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Open Year-Round

Open Saturdays year-round
from 7 am to 12 noon!

The Guelph Farmers Market has been a focal point of the downtown for over 180 years and remains a place where farm fresh fruit and vegetables can still be purchased.

It continues to be a community place where families come to shop for quality meats, cheese, produce, baked goods, preserves, and delicious foods prepared by the vendors. Our farmers work hard and proudly sell the fruits of their labour while our customers enjoy the one-on-one relationship with the producer.

During the winter months the majority of the market activity is conducted from within the market building while our summer market extends to the outside and includes the Market parking lot.

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